Poppets Pre-School

Browsing Archive: September, 2013

News update

Posted by Lynn Newman on Saturday, September 28, 2013, In : Poppets News 
Thank you to those of you who have sent in pictures, your children have proudly shown us their family and had great recall about the events taking place when the photo was taken....If you haven't had chance yet don't worry we are continuing next week.

Our new Poppets children are settling well, learning routines and gaining confidence each session! We understand it's not easy when they are unsettled coming in but we promise to give you an accurate account of their day and support strategies, o...
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We are back!!

Posted by Lynn Newman on Sunday, September 8, 2013, In : Poppets News 
What a great start to the term we have had catching up with all the children's holiday news!

Please collect your details update and funding forms ( where applicable) from us and return them completed as soon as possible!

Did you know the criteria for funding children from 2 yrs of age has changed?
There is a leaflet on our notice board. If you think you may be eligible please ask!

Next week we will be making our name cards so please bring in the photos!

Lots of painting too as we create pictures f...
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