Poppets Pre-School

Browsing Archive: January, 2014

If you had 3 wishes..........

Posted by Lynn Newman on Sunday, January 26, 2014, In : Topics 
This week we are asking the children what they would wish for if they had 3 wishes?
Some of our Poppets children have seen Aladdin and all are keen to go travelling on our magic carpet to faraway lands!!

I wonder what we shall see? I suspect there will be lots of things beginning with the letter A.. our letter of the week!

Our number work  focuses on the number 3,  making sets of 3  with cars/ blocks etc then adding one more to cause change and relate to both our 3 and 4 year olds! We shall be r...
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Parent's meetings

Posted by Lynn Newman on Sunday, January 19, 2014, In : Poppets News 
Thank you for sharing your children's wow's with us at parent/ key worker meetings. If you haven't had a chance to pop in yet please speak with your child's key worker or myself to arrange an appointment.

The children had great fun last week thinking of Cc ( curly c) words and sounds, painting the letter C with cars dipped into paint and making magic letters from playdough. 
We shall follow the Jolly Phonics books looking at a different letter each week  S A T P I N are all in book 1.

Finger pho...
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Toffee the Cat

Posted by Lynn Newman on Sunday, January 12, 2014, In : Topics 
We hope your children have been telling you about Toffee the cat!
These lovely stories help us think about friendships, sharing and being kind to each other.
The children have been busy making cat masks and pictures to show you. Next week we shall be thinking about the letter C making cats from dough so we can measure their tails, and starting to make own own Toffee the cat adventure story book.
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