Poppets Pre-School

Browsing Archive: March, 2015


Posted by Lynn Newman on Monday, March 30, 2015, In : Poppets News 
We hope you all have a lovely Spring Break and Easter bunny brings a yummy Easter egg!

We look forward to hearing about your adventures, perhaps you could put some photos onto your child's Tapestry account for us to see?

Poppets resumes MONDAY 13th APRIL
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Jungle Fun

Posted by Lynn Newman on Monday, March 30, 2015, In : Topics 

We have had great fun this half term with our jungle topic. Thank you for your support, several of the children brought in creations they had made at home, books for us to share and lovely art work.

First we made jungle trees and a habitat for our animals, then we looked at the differences between lions, tigers and leopards exploring patterns with spots and stripes. We explained how a daddy lion had a mane and learnt that baby lions are called cubs and look a bit like giant sized cats, but w...

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