Welcome to Poppets Pre-School website

At Poppets there is always a safe phone you can use in an emergency whatever that emergency may be.

In September 2025, 15 hours for working families with children under 3 will expand to 30 hours, meaning eligible working families will be able to claim 30 hours of childcare from the term after their child turns 9 months until they reach school age.



All enquiries by e mail please     lynn@poppetspreschool.co.uk
  • Information on Tapestry  Click Here!
  • GDPR please see our updated PRIVACY NOTICE
Have you seen our supporting learning at home section on the Pre School Information tab? 

 Our key aims and values

  • To provide a happy, secure and enabling environment.
  • To foster a love of learning that will last a life time.
  • To work in partnership with parents, carers and community.
  • To provide children with play and learning experiences.
  • To work in line with current legislation to meet the needs of all children in our care.
  • To have regard to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in order that all that we say and do is in the best interest of the child. (UNCRC item 3)
  • To promote British values safeguarding children and families.

We have an "open door" policy welcoming visits from parents, carers and other professionals.

Please ask to see our most recent OFSTED report ...

Please visit BCP Information Directory to read our SEND local offer information.

We believe...

At Poppets we believe that working in partnership with parents and carers is fundamental in meeting the needs of children.

We understand that children learn best by finding things out for themselves. Adults should guide them towards learning opportunities, providing experiences and supported challenges.

We consider our role is to provide a safe, secure and caring environment in order that children can play, explore, investigate and learn supported by qualified and enthusiastic staff.

Our aim is to foster in each child a love of learning that will last a lifetime.... as we continue to learn ourselves.

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