Poppets Pre School Newsletter JUNE 2016
As always our final half term is full of fun activities for your children, LOTS of which we hope you’ll be able to help us with. We thought an overview of diary dates and the mischief we have planned might help you keep up with us!
Tues 7th June Group resumes
We start back to the term with Sports week to include Sports morning and Family Picnic on WED 8th June ( IF WET FRIDAY 10th)
“Normal” start to our day then please return to collect your child at 10.45. A quick walk to the QUAY for races and fun. Bring a picnic lunch and stay to play as long as you like!
PLEASE NOTE No “usual” Poppets sessions in the afternoon on sports day.
NOT your child’s day??? Then please join us at the Quay at 11a.m
w/c 13th June “Daddies and PETS week
We celebrate Fathers Day in Poppets style with ‘DADDY WEEK’ inviting “Daddies”, big brothers, uncles or grandads to come in to play.
Please sign up/ see list on wall ....so we know whom to expect.
We invite you to bring in the family pet to show the children! Any portable pet is great but please liaise with us so we keep the cats from the birds etc.
w/c 20th June People who help us. We welcome visitors into Poppets to talk to the children about their role.
Are you a Dr? Nurse? Dentist? Vet? Teacher at “BIG SCHOOL” Dinner lady? Builder? Shopkeeper? Police Officer......need I continue??
We shall be explaining the importance of road safety, stranger danger and how important it is to wear your cycle helmet and seat belt and to hold an adult’s hand.
PLEASE offer to pop in if you can! Your children really love to have you in and proudly share with their friends how clever their Mum / Dad or friend is.
w/c 27th June we start our fun end of year topic .......Pirates with a Pirate adventure at Steamer point beach planned for Monday 4th July.
Meet at Steamer point at 10.30 a.m dressed as a Pirate or mermaid.
Bring a picnic lunch, bucket , spade and be prepared to dig for treasure... and have lots of fun! (IF WET we will go on Thurs 7th OR Friday 8th) This is a parent/ carer and child event please. No Pre School sessions as we will all be at Steamer point having fun. (as always please see Lynn if this causes difficulty)
W/c 11th July will be ART week
OLD clothes please as we plan to get messy to end the term!
LAST DAY OF TERM Friday 15th July Teddies picnic and leavers ceremony
All Poppets children and their families invited to our teddy bears “picnic”.
Please arrive at 10 .30a.m. with a named bear for party games.
Parents/Grandparents/ carers/ friends return at 11.30 a.m. for our leavers ceremony........... bring your tissues.
We then invite you to share an American style lunch with us, with everyone contributing to the food and enjoying a picnic in Druitt Gardens . (see food poster nearer date)
Sharing Information
Please remember key-workers and myself are always available to discuss your child’s progress with you at any stage of their learning journey through Poppets. We welcome an exchange of information in order to best meet your child’s needs and offer activities that enhance and develop their CURRENT interests.
Please continue to update your child’s Tapestry account adding learning and skills seen at home or pictures of what your child enjoys and adventures they have with you.
Transitions to ‘Big School’
Tapestry accounts for children LEAVING POPPETS will remain available to you
ONLY UNTIL Midnight on the 3rd JULY then Jo will magic them into a gift for you.
Key workers and myself will be asking to see all parents of children leaving Poppets this summer in order to complete transition documents. (If you would like to add a photo of your child for their new teacher please bring one to our meeting)
I am at the stage of finalising assessments and recordings of your child’s next steps ready to share with you. Please look out for the appointment posters.
Leavers Photo
Over the half term we shall be collating photo’s for our “Group leavers photo” as a reminder for your children of their friends at Poppets.
Has anyone still got Sainsbury’s vouchers they could bring in?
Please supply named sun lotion and hat for your child pop into the “sunny day box”.
I am delighted to share with you that we have appointed two new colleagues to join the Poppets team in September.
Sally Clark is known to many of you as Emily’s Mummy, a qualified teacher at Early years level.
Jennifer Nightingale a level 3 Early years practitioner with specialism in communication and language and a former children’s nurse.
Please excuse me if I am absent from group at the beginning of half term in order that I can catch up with report writing and welcome my first grandchildren.
Best wishes and our thanks for your continued support Lynn and the Poppets Team xx
Term resumes on TUESDAY 6th September ( Monday will be a staff planning day)
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