Poppets Pre-School Newsletter September 2013
It’s great to be back!
We are pleased to welcome lots of new families to Poppets as well as families who return to us with siblings. Thank you all for trusting us with the care of your children. We are enjoying getting to know them and discovering their current interests.
Our new term has started well with new children becoming increasingly confident in their new surroundings and our returning children having grown into “big children” as if by magic over the summer! I hope by now that everyone has discovered their child’s key worker? Key workers and I are happy to discuss your child’s progress with you at anytime. We believe an exchange of information is the best way to support children and to meet their individual needs.
If you haven’t already, please could you help us by naming your child’s coat/ jacket /fleece /wellies and shoes, we struggle trying to match child to coat or shoes where clothing is unnamed. Thank you for supporting our healthy eating ethos when packing lunch boxes by not packing sweets or fizzy drinks.
Our topic for the half term is “MYSELF”. The children are using “listening ears” “looking eyes” and remembering their “gentle hands” they are “super sitters” too!
Our Poppets children are proudly showing us their abilities and achievements, learning the names of their new friends and playing really nicely together.
To promote and reward positive behaviour the Poppets children are rewarded for kind acts, being helpful or thoughtful. Staff acknowledge these acts of kindness by rewarding children with a GOLDEN EGG to hang on our tree. Please share with us events at home that you consider worthy of recognition, and ask your child to show you our golden tree. (ALL children will be rewarded though maybe not all in the first half term!) Did you know we have SUPER-HEROES of Play at Poppets? These are children who have worked hard at sharing, tidying up, or have great play ideas! They will borrow the Superhero box. (ALL children will have a turn, we keep a list!)
Thank you to those of you who have sent in photographs of your child and family, the children are helping us to make name cards and decorate their yellow note book....still time to send photos in if you haven’t had chance yet! Please ask your child to show you their self portrait displayed on the Poppets wall and borrow your child’s yellow book to share at home. We love to find out what your child enjoys doing at home over the weekend their interests are our starting point for planning activities for them.
At Poppets we encourage children to recycle, could you help us by saving MILK bottle lids for our charity collection? bringing in used cereal boxes, and kitchen roll tubes for modelling, discarded greetings cards for cutting and sticking, bows from parcels etc......does anyone have access to scrap paper? We promise you’ll get it back in a revised format!!
“Jars” wanted please; baby food size or other small jars... thanks......wait and see!
Events for the term
Important NOW is the time to register your child for your choice of school if they are due to start in Sept 2014.
Photos A professional photographer will be in Poppets on Monday 14th October. If that is not your child’s usual session please pop in with them if you wish. See poster. (easy Christmas gifts!!)
Half term holiday WEDNESDAY 23rd Oct – Friday 1st Nov INCLUSIVE
Children in Need Day Friday November 15th see poster soon for details of fun to be had!
Christmas Nativity Monday 16th Dec 10a.m -12noon ALL Poppets children are involved. Please book a morning off work if you can, you don’t want to miss this event. Everyone welcome, invite Granny if you wish. (We do not wish to offend so please see Lynn if you prefer your child NOT to take part in this traditional Christian Nativity play)
End of term Party Tuesday 17th Dec 10a.m. – 12 noon for ALL Poppets children Poppets closes for Christmas Holiday at 12 noon.
Poppets resumes on Monday 7th Jan 2013 at 8.50 a.m
We have a Friday morning vacancy at Poppets. If anyone would like this as an extra session or to swap a session please let me know.
Poppets land line phone 01202 588950
Lynn’s Mobile 07761 126210
Best wishes and our thanks for your continuing support.
Lynn and the Poppets team.